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drop that meet link

just keep talking

protip: A small thing that you, as a senior engineer, can do in a remote working environment: be super liberal dropping meet links, starting huddles etc with people. If they ask a question, immediately get them on a call. Even if it’s a small thing, for just 2 minutes. ESPECIALLY FOR JUNIORS. Make them aware that it’s not just culturally acceptable, but encouraged to bother people for help. I even make it a point to ping juniors randomly through the week to ask them how they’re doing, what they’re working on, etc. Otherwise they’ll be shy and wait for scheduled 1:1s and stand ups and whatever. Break that behaviour. Soon, they’ll start pinging you themselves, and you’ll build the bond you otherwise miss. It’s worth it. The goal is to shorten iteration time. They would’ve done it in an office setting anyway. It’s your job to make them feel comfortable asking you for help. Drop that meet link.