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solving the jest.mock()+esmodules hoisting problem

A proposal to use jest.mock() with esmodules without babel shenanigans

(This is a pretty niche post, but I needed to write it down so I can point to it from elsewhere.)

Ok, so. This is about jest.mock(). Let’s say you have a module:

// a.js
export const x = 123;

Alright, now let’s say we write a test that mocks a.js:

// a.test.js
import { x } from "./a";

jest.mock("./a", () => {
  return { x: 456 };

it("should be mocked", () => {
  expect(x).toBe(456); // this test should pass.

If you look closely at the test, you’ll note something odd. The value x is imported before the module is mocked, yet behaves like it was imported after. If this code behaved as it was written, you’d expect x to have the value 123, since it was imported and destructured before its module was mocked. How is that possible?

The docs explain it. What’s happening, (and I’m trivialising it a bit here), is that common jest setups send the code through babel-plugin-jest-hoist, which rewrites it and hoists every jest.mock() call to above the import statements. So the module first gets mocked, then gets imported.

This is cool becase it solves a clear problem; you can’t technically write code before import statements, but when writing tests you do want to kinda do it.

That said, this kinda sucks. It’s clearly special behaviour that you have to have learnt elsewhere, applies only inside jest, and requires a specialised setup. It also means that if you invent a new kind of javscript compiler that doesn’t use babel and stuff (ahem, esbuild), you can’t get mocking to work correctly (or you have to bring along the baggage, which removes the benefits of using something like esbuild).

I have a proposal for a better solution. It involves a new language feature, called top-level await. tl;dr - this new feature lets you use await at the top-most scope of a module (instead of having to wrap that code with an async function(){...} ). Combined with dynamic imports, we can rewrite the test from above like this:

// a.test.js
jest.mock("./a", () => {
  return { x: 456 };

const { x } = await import("./a");

it("should be mocked", () => {
  expect(x).toBe(456); // this test should pass.

I like this more. Not only does it not require any special code transform, but it also makes ‘sense’. If you’re migrating a bunch of already existing tests, you could write a codemod that converts all tests into this format.

You can’t use this today though, even though the latest versions of node.js (14.3 and up) support top level await. I tried and failed (maybe someone smarter than me could do so?) I looks like jest has to support this too; conveniently there’s work in motion to bring ES module support to jest (and subsequently, support top-level await).

So, to summarise, I think it should be possible, in the relatively near future, to use jest.mock() and co. with esbuild without having to do anything bespoke.