drop that meet link
just keep talking
an event bus for ai agents
it is very professional yes
ai agents are local first clients
sync engines finally have a killer app
call me maybe
AI agents should be addressable
Full Stack AI Agents
a UI for every man, woman, child, and ai agent
Durable Objects Callbacks are Weird
but it's also convenient to solve human-in-the-loop for ai agents
Reliable UX for AI chat with Durable Objects
What is says on the tin.
let's talk about a task tracking system for ai agents
AI agents need tracking software, and we need to build it.
The unfortunate truth of software for technologists
It's all about the money, baby
A list of reasons why you should be using Cloudflare Workers for building your AI agent infrastructure/product/personal assistant
(It's only shilling if it's posted during working hours. I'm on my lunch break.)
Three missing primitives in every UI framework
(please build them)
Durable Objects are Computers / Containers / Servers
(everything old is new again)
Partial Prerendering for Everyone with Cloudflare Workers
Implementing Next.js-style PPR in a normal React SSR app
spatial compute
Let the network decide where in the world to run your code
The next evolution of serverless is stateful
(A lot of words about where I think serverless computing is going.)
Odeon Plus
I bought a membership to the movies and it's awesome
smol party: Hello Wololo!
Founder to founder, Shawn and I swap stories and thoughts on building a startup
Chatting with Jason Lengstorf about esbuild
An hour and a half discussion about why esbuild is a big deal.
ui (a short story)
“Wake up, Computer”
The problem with importing css
On implementing a client for feature flags in your UI codebase
solving the jest.mock()+esmodules hoisting problem
A proposal to use jest.mock() with esmodules without babel shenanigans
The problem with iff's design
How node's shared memory model ruins a perfectly good api design
Me Two
Where is my mind?
Shipping different versions of modules with requireCond()
On implementing a client for feature flags in your UI codebase
Feature flags
An introduction to feature flags